Territorial Invasives Species Strategic Action Plans (TISSAPs) assist territories to prioritise and manage their invasive species programmes.
More information on the essential need for NISSAPs/TISSAPs and how to develop them can be found in the Battler Guide on the SPREP website. The development of the TISSAP for Pitcairn is an activity under EDF11 OCT PROTEGE (Pacific Territories Regional Project for Sustainable Ecosystem Management), an initiative designed to promote sustainable and climate-change-resilient economic development in the European Pacific overseas countries and territories by emphasising biodiversity and renewable resources. PROTEGE is a regional cooperation that supports the public policies of the four Pacific Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) – French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Pitcairn, and Wallis & Futuna, implemented and executed by SPREP. |